
LS Tractor

Keep up with the latest news, model releases, and lineup innovations happening everyday at LS Tractor

April Showers Brings May Mowing

Dads, it’s time to break out those (formerly) white sneakers and rejoice: it’s almost lawn mowing season! We know you probably already have your old trusty mower that has lived through five different presidents, but this year why not finally retire it and upgrade to a mower that can do so much more than just […]



Talking about Tilling

Ah Springtime: the birds are finally chirping, the days are finally getting warmer and longer, and (at least if you live in the South) everything is covered in pollen. It really is such a magical time. Spring also means it’s time to start getting ready to plant your garden and lots of home gardeners miss […]


LSTA in the USA

Did you know LS Tractor has been making tractors since 1977? It’s true! In 1977, Korea Heavy Industries and Construction Company began production of a new line of tractors in Gunpo, South Korea in collaboration with Fiat. Then, in 1983, LS Mtron acquired KHIC’s tractor division and LS Tractor was officially born. In 1997, LG […]



Free Loader

We all have one of those people that is in your circle of friends. You know: the people who constantly ask to borrow your truck or your lawn mower, invite themselves over for dinner on steak night, and who somehow always ends up at your house on Game Day without having the decency to bring […]



Welcome to the new LS Tractor Blog!

Here’s what you have to look forward to: Once a week, come right back here to get caught up about current tractor offerings, learn some helpful tips and tricks for your home projects, peek behind the scenes to see how your tractors are made and more! Be sure to check out our monthly podcast for […]