A person’s worth isn’t by how much they accumulate, but instead by how much they can give back to their community and those in need. At LS Tractor, we believe that corporations and businesses should be judged the same way, which is why we are proud to announce our newest local program.
When Kawtar Lourhraz first started working at LSTA in Assembly as the Product Management Engineer, she noticed that we had a box problem: mainly that we had too many boxes and nothing to do with them. You see, whenever we get deliveries of implements or attachments, they come in wood crates. These wood crates would then sit at one of our assembly plants until a disposal company would come pick them up to recycle. However, Kawtar saw an opportunity to both help open up much needed space in the warehouse AND help out people in the Battleboro community. She realized that the boxes were the perfect size to be repurposed into garden boxes.
After doing some research, Kawtar contacted the Conetoe Family Life Center and talked to Reverend Richard Joyner, the Chairman of the Board and a local commissioner. After a few emails, they both agreed that the boxes would be a perfect fit and started planning the program.
Rev. Joyner used his contacts within the community and placed several boxes around the city for free community gardens. He also reached out to a local nursery who agreed to help modify boxes if needed and who would supply recipients with free plants so they can grow their own food. He then opened up applications for these food and garden boxes to anyone in the city and has gotten overwhelming positive feedback, especially from schools and the seniorcitizen population, who may not be able to bend over and garden.
As the growing season continues, we will keep you posted on how the gardens are doing! Special thanks to Kawtar for putting this community project together and for thinking about ways to help our community. We want everyone in our community to know that no matter what happens, LS has your back and we look forward to starting more community initiatives soon!